Hugo: Fixed Image URL (

Jacky | Jul 28, 2022 min read

此內容由 Notion 編輯並經由 Notion API 自動轉成 Hugo 頁面
The content write by Notion, and use Notion API convert to Hugo page.

Refer: markdown - Wrong path with images on Hugo page - Stack Overflow


Wrong path with images on Hugo page

I’m trying to make a page on hugo with images, using markdown, but when i work on local i use


and the path on the web is something like https://myweb/path/page-name/images/Image1.png

so the path in the web didn’t work, i need to change the path to:


In summary, I can not see the images on the web and local at the same time, could something be done to see them on both sites?


Let’s say you have project structure like this, where one image is in a page bundle, and the other image is in the static dir.

├── content
│   └── path
│       └── page-name
│           ├── images
│           │   └── Image1.png
│           └──
├── static
│   └── images
│       └── Image1.png

Then in content/path/page-name/, here is how you would refer to each image, by absolute path.

<!-- page bundle image -->

<!-- static image -->

Keep in mind that the page bundle image path will depend on how your permalinks are configured.

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